

9:45 AM to 10:30 AM – Bible Classes

10:45 AM to 12:00 PM – Worship Service 

Weekly sermon videos are published on FaceBook

6:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Worship Service*  Not presently meeting.  Resumption TBD



7:00 PM to 8:00 PM – Bible Classes


The Annual “Last-Saturday-in-February” Meeting

Lessons presented are on the Indio church of Christ Facebook page


Weekly bulletin: continues to be published weekly on the website. (Just click “website”)

The Indio church of Christ is a collection of people from various walks of life, races, and backgrounds. We all, however, have at least ONE thing in common — the faith that through the grace of God, and our faith in His Son Jesus Christ, that we have the hope of eternal life in Heaven with Him one day. (Galatians 3:26-29)

Our faith drives us to glorify God in all we do, and to love each other, just as Christ loved us. (Matt 22:37-39)

We’re a family that strives to help each other in our day-to-day walk on this earth.  We’d love to help you with your personal walk with Christ.

If there’s any way that we can help you, please let us know.